Saturday 4 March 2017



Scaffold Collapse at Cooling Tower Contruction in Fengcheng China
November 24, 2016

Scaffolding at a construction site in eastern China collapsed into a deadly heap on Thursday, as iron pipes, steel bars and wooden planks tumbled down and crushed nearly all 70 workers in the country's worst work-safety accident in over two years.

At least 67 people were killed by the collapse of a work platform at a power plant's cooling tower that was under construction, state media reported. Two others were injured and one worker was missing.
The reported death toll suggested that nearly all the construction workers at the cooling tower perished. Close to 70 people were working at the site when the scaffolding collapsed, according to local media reports.

About 500 rescue workers, including paramilitary police officers, were digging through the debris with their bare hands, according to state broadcaster CCTV. Footage showed debris strewn across the floor of the cavernous concrete cooling tower.

Investigation has revealed lax in compliance with safety standard including neglect of scaffold design, erection, usage and dismantling requirement to be overseen by a competent person as the reason for the fatalities.

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